COVID-19 solutions and measures
COVID-19 outbreak has had an enormous impact in the cruise industry. Since the beginning of the crisis, we accomplished a significant adaptation of our services and have been helping our clients with their warm lay ups and technical calls, mainly done to assist the crew members during the pause period caused by the pandemic.
At Noatum Cruise Services, we care about our customers, employees, suppliers and business continuity.
Noatum Cruise Services solutions to COVID-19 challenges:

Doctor in-house working side by side with our H&S department to provide nimble solutions to any crisis generated by the Covid-19.

24/7/365 assistance.

Diagnostic Tests:
a. Molecular: PCR.
b. Antibody: Swab or blood test.
c. Antigen Test: Rapid diagnostic test.

Working closely with the main clinical laboratories.

Private hospitals duly authorised by the Spanish Health Ministry for Covid-19 treatment.

Authorised hotels for quarantine and isolation of asymptomatic cases and the crew/guest waiting Covid-19 test results.

Disinfection zone specialists homologated by the EU.

Technical advisors: Prevention, control and crisis management.

Homologated material suppliers such as: Indoor Air Quality Systems, Physical Barriers, Face Masks, Cleaning and disinfection products, Covid-19 Tests.

Institutional relations with the main authorities including the epidemiological department.